Hi Everyone!
I loved Mary's idea of a mid-May update for the
Life on the Balcony community container garden (I'm super curious about all the other balconies) so here are my pics. Right now we have very warm weather in Zurich and the thirsty little plants are taking off. So far I'm really happy with how the garden is coming along--only a couple little hiccups with aphids and a mild case of powdery mildew. Pests on the third story! Who would have thought...
The only thing I haven't planted yet is the sunflower...and I'm not sure I'm going to have room this year. Something to look forward to for next time!

Garlic chives. They started out a little stringy, but they are starting to look plump and yummy.

Purple Basil. I couldn't find the Purple Petra Basil in Zurich, so I planted Opal Basil instead. Only one survived, but he's really holding on! The green big leaf basil was also from seed, but for the taller basil in the front I cheated and bought a plant ;)

Ok, once again I couldn't find the *exact* patio tomato, so this is a tomato Totem plant--but it's really the same idea! Lot of oregano growing around the base and already a couple of flowers. It was a bit tricky to photograph because the balcony is so narrow...

I planted the Spacemaster Cucumber with a Nasturtium and a couple of marigolds. This might have been a little overboard for the space :S But I really love both the plants so I'm going to see what happens.

The first strawberry!

And some flowers to add a splash of colour to all the green herbs and veggies.

The left side of the balcony. Home to the lettuce, sweet peas, tomatoes, Asia salad, green onions, chives, peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, nasturtium, chamomile and cilantro. The herb planter is in the bottom corner, with the strawberries, rosemary, basil and parsly. Next to it is the English mint.

And the right side. Home to the kohlrabi, arugula, sage, hanging tomatoes, peas, thyme, lavender, and more lettuce :)
Thanks for stopping by!
Wow it's looking really pretty! The cucs and nasturtiums especially should look really beautiful while they take over the balcony ;)