The before pictures are from April 4th and the after pics were taken today :) (during the brief period of sun before the rain hit!) Enjoy!

The mixed flower seed package was a gift from my boyfriend's sister. After a couple false starts it seems to be finally taking off! The first little white flowers appeared yesterday. The mix is called "Bluetensymphonie" from Kiepenkerl.

Green onions.

German Chamomile from West Coast seeds. Starting to flower :)

Tomatoes! Tumbling Tom (middle top), Patio "Totem" Tomatoes (middle bottom), and Sun Cherry (right).

Marigold. I planted three different kinds: Yellow Boy, Pascal, and Queen Sophia. I think these ones are the Queen Sophia. The others haven't bloomed yet.

Purple Kohlrabi. The planter design was inspired by "Crops in Pots." I love how the thyme fills in the spaces between the Kohlrabi. There are two little marigolds in the corners too :)

The nasturtium seeds were also a gift from a friend. They came from a monastery in Austria and are growing like crazy. At first, I was concerned that only two seeds sprouted by now I'm thankful. Huge plant! The first red flower is peeking out--any day now.
Thanks for visiting!
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